Monday, October 12, 2009

Create an Opportunity

Last week I traveled to Washington DC for a client - ZiptoGreen. This client has a wonderful new website that helps homeowners become more energy efficient. I've worked with this messaging for about five years and know that it takes something amazing, shocking or newsworthy to cut through the clutter.

ZiptoGreen has assembled a terrific team of marketing pros to create opportunities to grab attention for the company. We are thinking outside the box & bulb when it comes to this client.

While in DC we took the ZiptoGreen Zip Zappers around the city and asked people to sign a pledge to be more energy efficient. Of course our sleek green people with Watts Wands and electric meters around their necks attracted much attention. While in front of the White House a photographer from Roll Call newspaper snapped a few shots which appeared in the newspaper the next day. The newspaper is the official newspaper of Capitol Hill - a target market for ZiptoGreen.

Later that day we launched ZiptoGreen nationally at the National Press Club. The energy and excitement generated by the minds in the room was enough to light a city. Great minds and people all coming together with a common cause - reduce energy consumption.

In DC we created something - started a movement - used our creative energies to launch a company. Check out and create your own energy efficiency plan. Look for more great things to come.